Tag Archive ‘Vintage’


knittedyarns Blocking Oxblood Mommes Lysedug Shawl

Photographs of blocked Mommes Lysedug Doily knit as a shawl in Tosh Lace weight. Blocking dimensions included.

knittedyarns Not Your Grandmother's Antique Lace Doilies

Of late, I have been drawn to old fashioned lace doilies. It’s not that I have a burning need for lace doilies or that I am redecorating every flat surface of my apartment with perfectly round circles of tiny little stitches of white knitting cotton. Rather it’s the way that the patterns emerge as you […]

knittedyarns Beach Knitting-Hemlock Ring Blankie Progresses

Beach knitting is one of my favorite forms of knitting in public (KIP). Unlike subway knitting where I’m filling time that would otherwise be unproductive, I enjoy being on the beach where the constant sound of the ocean kissing the shore is reassuring and peaceful.  With knitting in hand, I combine two of my favorite […]

knittedyarns Hemlock Ring Blankie-Vacation Projects Begin!

Lately, I’ve been bitten by a lace doily bug. There is some about knitting round and round and watching the pattern slowly evolve. Perhaps its the influence of Marion Kinzel’s Lace Knitting Volume 1. As a result, I’ve been trolling Ravelry and the internet for vintage lace doily patterns. In the process, I kept finding […]