Tag Archive ‘Swallowtail Shawl’


knittedyarns E is for Estonian Lace

Before my wedding, I had planned to make the Lily of the Valley Shawl in wedding white from Interweave’s Lace Style book. It’s based on a popular  Estonian Lace pattern lily of the valley. The stitch requires nupps which are an Estonian version of bobbles. In the lily of the valley pattern, they  look a lot […]

knittedyarns Swallowtail Shawl "Do Over" – aka Frogging

Remember when you were a kid playing a game and you didn’t do as well as you wanted to so you shouted “Do Over!” Well, after completing 7 repeats of the second chart on the Swallowtail Shawl, I’ve decided that the finished garment may fall short of the desired size. Therefore, I declaring it a […]