knittedyarns 3 Hints to Get Lacy Baktus Scarf on Track
Sweeping the Norwegian blogs, the Lacy Baktus Scarf is a wonderful garter stitch project that takes only one skien of sock yarn. Here are 3 tips to help you get started with knitting your Lacy Baktus Scarf limited do overs.
knittedyarns Fuschia Nightsong Shawl Runs Out of Beads-FO
Fushia Nightsong Shawl with Beads. Additional insights about beading and what do to when you run short of beads.
knittedyarns Yarn Shopping in the Valley – LA Bound with Yarn
Review of Los Angeles based yarn stores-Unwind in Burbank and in Studio CIty.
knittedyarns Black Malabrigo Fountain Pen Shawl Begun
Based on the recommendation of Alyssa, the manager at The Point, I decided to use the two skeins of black Malabrigo merino sock yarn for the Fountain Pen Shawl in the Spring 2009 Interweave Knits magazine. The yarn is scrumptious. It’s a delight to touch and pet! After the Shetland Scarf that I made for […]
knittedyarns Planning Vacation Knitting
This year, we’re going to Fire Island for a beach vacation where we both get to indulge in our hobbies. My husband wind surfs in the bay and I knit on the ocean beach. In preparation, I plan out my knitting, especially since there aren’t any yarn stores on Fire Island in case I run […]
knittedyarns Happy Birthday to The Point (NYC)
To celebrate its 4th birthday, The Point NYC had a sale. In addition to baskets of specially marked yarns in wonderfully lush colors, everything else was 20% off. I used this sale to treat myself to some wonderful Malabrigo 100% Merino Sock Yarn which I had been craving since it first hit The Point’s shelves. […]