knittedyarns New Jersey Bound for Yarn-Silk City Fibers Adventure
Silk City Fibers in Paterson, NJ is open to the public the second Saturday of every month. Here’s my review from my last visit.
knittedyarns 4 Factors to Consider When Making Nightsong Shawl-Another Finished Object
Nightsong Shawl – 4 factors to consider when knitting it
knittedyarns Gail Lace Shawl in Carnation Pink Cashmere
One of my close friends had a milestone birthday last year. Since it was close to our wedding, I promised her a hand knit lace shawl within a year. I taped a piece of the lace weight cashmere to my card. It’s carnation pink just like the color of the Crayola Crayon. I have […]
knittedyarns Silk City Fibers-April Warehouse Sale Postponed
FYI for all of you Silk Fibers City fans. Due to the Passover and Easter holidays, Silk City Fibers has postponed their Warehouse Sale from the second Saturday in April until the third Saturday in April, April 18th. For those of you who haven’t ventured to the Passiac, NJ location. It’s a treasure trove of […]
knittedyarns Lace Collar – Free One Ball Knitting Pattern
To coordinate with the grey mohair lace cuffs, I decided to make a lace collar. Using the cuffs as a measuring guide, I determined that the collar was just under three times the size of a cuff. I realized that this collar makes a great one skien wonder. It’s a quick knit […]
knittedyarns The Point About Cuffs-Lace edging modified
To sex up the Thermal Scoop Neck Pullover, I decided to add removable lace cuffs. I took my inspiration from Vicki Square’s The Point About Cuffs in Lace Style. Vicki Square’s pattern is meant to be worn under a blazer. When I checked on Ravelry, there were a mere 13 photos and most knitters […]
knittedyarns Gliterati-Thermal Scoop Neck Pullover Acutriments
To accompany the Thermal Scoop Neck Pullover, I am using some fine mohair (think: Rown Kid Silk) with a twist of silver throughout to make a lacy scarf/foulard and coordinated lace cuffs. I bought this special yarn on sale at Silk City Fibers (where I always find something wonderful!) The goal is to dress […]
knittedyarns New Sweater Project – 2009 NaKniSweMoDo
Have you ever found yourself staring at the yarn you wanted to use but weren’t able to start a project? I’m at that point now in terms of the next sweater that I’m knitting for the Ravelry NaKniSweMoDo (aka National Knit a Sweater a Month Dodecathon). I want to use the 100% alpaca and the […]
knittedyarns Dad's Classic Ribbed Pullover Finished!
Dad’s Classic Ribbed Pullover is officially finished including knitting, sewing together and finishing off loose ends. It’s the first sweater for my National Knit a Sweater a Month Dodecathon on Ravelry. While I would crow about the fact that it’s a week before the end of January, it was one of my 2008 UFOs. […]
knittedyarns 2008 FOs and UFOs
As 2008 draws to a close, I have been reviewing my knitting for the year and my growing list of UFOs. Due to our wedding, much of the first half of the year was focused on the big event. As a result, 2008 was not as productive as 2007 in terms of finished objects (aka […]