Tag Archive ‘Mason Dixon Knitting’


knittedyarns Another Spin on Free Knitting Projects…

In her April 7th  post entitled “Free Knitting Now, …” on the Mason Dixon Knitting blog, Ann makes a strong case for looking through your pile of UFOs to work up new enthusiasm for these forgotten projects. Going through your closets and other hiding places to collect your partially finished projects enables you find a […]

knittedyarns Stephen Colbert Segment Highlights Subversive Knitter

For those of you who may have missed it, Stephen Colbert featured a knitter in a piece titled “Nailed ‘Em-Radical Knitting”  during the December 3rd show. The segment shows a knitter who uses her knitting to create art that conveys a political message.  Stephen Colbert’s Colbert Report is a mainstay of our television viewing (aka my knitting time (although […]