Tag Archive ‘KIP’


knittedyarns Beach Knitting-Hemlock Ring Blankie Progresses

Beach knitting is one of my favorite forms of knitting in public (KIP). Unlike subway knitting where I’m filling time that would otherwise be unproductive, I enjoy being on the beach where the constant sound of the ocean kissing the shore is reassuring and peaceful.  With knitting in hand, I combine two of my favorite […]

knittedyarns Mitered Tank Top on Fair Harbor Beach

Norah Gaughan’s Mitered Tank Top from the Summer 2009 Vogue Knitting shows off Norah’s genius for designing tops with unusual shapes that are flattering for women to wear. At the bottom, the Mitered Tank Top starts with enough stitches on one side to make the bottom of most sweaters! It uses a decorative decrease to […]

knittedyarns WWKIP-Brooklyn Bound

For those of you who rarely leave Manhattan, the main branch of the library is easily accessible from the Eastern Parkway subway stop (on the number 2 or 3 train) which is one of the most beautiful stops. It’s got wonderful sculpture from the Brooklyn Museum which upstairs and the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens are next […]

knittedyarns 5 Helpful Hints for Subway Knitting

  For those of you who KIP (aka as Knit in Public) on subways and other forms of public transportation, here are some suggestions to help ensure that you make progress on your knitting.  1] Always carry your work in a project bag, even if it’s only a recycled plastic bag from the grocery store. […]

knittedyarns 7 Reasons to Like Subway Knitting

  New York City subway rides can be long and boring, especially on weekends when it seems like at least one of the trains that you need to take is being re-routed for system repairs. I find that keeping a small knitting project in my bag is a great way to make every trip pleasurable. […]

knittedyarns 6 Airplane Knitting Tips-Honeymoon Knitting Continued

I always consider the knitting that I’m bringing on a trip, particularly airplane knitting, as an important component of my packing. Since carrying knitting needles and other sharp objects can be difficult in this era of Homeland Security, I give this aspect of my packing extra care. To clarify, I take a broad view of travel […]

knittedyarns UWS Knitters Birthday Celebration

The UWS Knitters Group celebrated its 6th birthday and list mom Judy brought cake. Despite the less than optimal lighting for knitting, we camp out at the Starbucks on 86th Street and Columbus Avenue on Wednesday afternoons after 6.00pm.  The anniversary celebration brings out knitters who are no longer regulars or lurkers on the list. […]