knittedyarns 3 Hints to Get Lacy Baktus Scarf on Track
Sweeping the Norwegian blogs, the Lacy Baktus Scarf is a wonderful garter stitch project that takes only one skien of sock yarn. Here are 3 tips to help you get started with knitting your Lacy Baktus Scarf limited do overs.
knittedyarns Ties that Bind: Hand Knit Scarf's Guest Appearance on Grey's Anatomy
We recently watched the Elevator Love Letter episode of Grey’s Anatomy where Izzie is operated on for brain cancer. Interwoven into her story is a Crayola green scarf that she’s seen knitting. Her knitting, which is a plain garter stitch scarf, keeps her grounded while those around her come to grips with her situation. […]