Tag Archive ‘Colorful Stitches’


knittedyarns 2008 FOs and UFOs

As 2008 draws to a close, I have been reviewing my knitting for the year and my growing list of UFOs. Due to our wedding, much of the first half of the year was focused on the big event. As a result, 2008 was not as productive as 2007 in terms of finished objects (aka […]

knittedyarns 2007 – The Year in Yarn

Looking back, 2007 was a year where my knitting made significant progress. When I consider the projects that I completed this year, I wonder where I found the time to make them all! By category, here are my 2007 finished objects: SWEATERS Black and Red with Fair Isle Crewneck Sweater – Made from Karabella cashmere […]

knittedyarns Yarn Treats from Mom's Berkshire Adventure

While my parents’ main objective for visiting Lenox, MA was to hear the Boston Pops at Tanglewood, my mother, a knitter herself, used the visit as an excuse to check out the local yarn emporiums, Colorful Stitches in Lenox, MA and Wonderful Things in Great Barrington, MA. My boyfriend and I were in Lenox earlier this […]

knittedyarns Bamboo Socks-Vacation Souvenir

When it comes to knitting, I must admit that I don’t get the sock thing. With the wide array of great new sock yarns and the fact that one can rationalize that it doesn’t really count as stash, I am always enticed to purchase sock yarn. Since it takes me about a year to knit a pair of socks (while […]