knittedyarns First FO of 2009-Dreaming in Orange Lace Ribbon Scarf Done!
First FO (aka Finished Object) of 2009 is the Dreaming in Orange Ribbon Lace Scarf for my sister-in-law. This scarf took longer to knit than anticipated and I was lucky that our holiday celebration was postponed due to snow. As a result, I will be able to give my sister-in-law a finished, blocked scarf. Knit […]
knittedyarns 2008 FOs and UFOs
As 2008 draws to a close, I have been reviewing my knitting for the year and my growing list of UFOs. Due to our wedding, much of the first half of the year was focused on the big event. As a result, 2008 was not as productive as 2007 in terms of finished objects (aka […]
knittedyarns Ribbon Lace Scarf – First Wedding Gift Done
Instead of buying members of our wedding gifts, I gave my sister who was my matron of honor, my mother and two other friends balls of fiber wrapped in small pink pouch. Each package contained a note stating what it would become when knitted. I thought that this gave the gifts a personal touch. […]
knittedyarns Leaf Lace Kimono Finished
I was enticed to knit this pattern based on commentary in Knitting Daily and Ravelry. Despite my swatching before starting, the actual piece and the measurements that I expected it to be were significantly different. In large part, I attribute this to the lace and how it blossomed. Also, the pattern is meant to […]
knittedyarns Baby Kimono and Warshrag on Fire Island Beach
We were lucky to sneak in a couple of days on Fire Island after our honeymoon. Fire Island is a shelter island off the southern shore of Long Island which is like a piece of heaven on earth (although nothing like the Cook Islands!) While my husband wind surfed, I knitted on the beach. In […]
knittedyarns Cook Island Honeymoon Knitted
The love that filled our wedding amazed us and filled us with joy. Despite being the hottest day of the summer (although it was the first weekend in June), the celebration went off with relatively few hitches! We were glad that we had a few days to acclimate and get things in order before […]
knittedyarns Honeymoon Knitting Planned
While many of my knitting friends think that I’m off my rocker to think about knitting on my honeymoon, they overlook the fact that our honeymoon to the Cook Islands involves a lot of flying and airport time. Our flight to Rarotonga leaves from Los Angeles where we’re visiting family and friends and we’re coming […]