Archive for the ‘Gray-Beige-White Long Sleeve’ Category


knittedyarns Sunset on a Knitting-filled Fire Island Vacation

The end of vacations is always bitter sweet, especially summer ones on Fair Harbor’s car-free beach. While the weather wasn’t sunny and bright every day, it allowed us space to re-charge our batteries and get away from the everyday routine. One great advantage of vacation knitting is that you have a tangible reminder of your […]

knittedyarns Planning Vacation Knitting

This year, we’re going to Fire Island for a beach vacation where we both get to indulge in our hobbies. My husband wind surfs in the bay and I knit on the ocean beach. In preparation, I plan out my knitting, especially since there aren’t any yarn stores on Fire Island in case I run […]

knittedyarns New Spring Sweater in the Works!

  Spring brings with it a sense of renewal. From a knitting perspective, that means time to start a new sweater project.  While I have been testing some of the new summery yarns that I got at a recent yarn swap to see what the fibers want to be, I am going to make a […]