knittedyarns Dad's Classic Ribbed Pullover Finished!
Dad’s Classic Ribbed Pullover is officially finished including knitting, sewing together and finishing off loose ends. It’s the first sweater for my National Knit a Sweater a Month Dodecathon on Ravelry. While I would crow about the fact that it’s a week before the end of January, it was one of my 2008 UFOs. […]
knittedyarns Sit 'n' Knit Meetup in New York City
I joined the New York City Sit ‘n’ Knit Meetup which met at the Citigroup atrium. It’s a great group of women who are open and welcoming (although you’re supposed towear a name tag to help everyone with names, something that I dislike doing.) Anne-Marie who runs the group is extremely friendly and good at getting […]
knittedyarns Come Together – Dad's Classic Rib Sweater is 60% Done
To help me feel inspired about the slow but steady progress I am making on my Dad’s Classic Rib Sweater, I decided to start the putting together since I finished knitting the front. (Mind you this was a 2008 birthday present for my dad whose birthday is in Noember.) Here’s what the front looked like […]
knittedyarns 2008 FOs and UFOs
As 2008 draws to a close, I have been reviewing my knitting for the year and my growing list of UFOs. Due to our wedding, much of the first half of the year was focused on the big event. As a result, 2008 was not as productive as 2007 in terms of finished objects (aka […]
knittedyarns Dad's Birthday Present – Classic Ribbed Pullover
For my dad’s birthday on November 18th, I decided to make him a sweater since he’s lost a lot of weight and many of his clothes hang on him including the Noro Vest that I made him last year. I decided to make him the Classic Ribbed Pullover from Sally Melville’s The Knitting Experience-Book 2: […]