knittedyarns 7 Reasons UFOs Just Happen & 5 Questions to Help Reduce Your UFO Pile
7 reasons that knitted UFOs (unfinished objects) just happen and 5 questions to ask to help you reduce your pile.
knittedyarns E is for Estonian Lace
Before my wedding, I had planned to make the Lily of the Valley Shawl in wedding white from Interweave’s Lace Style book. It’s based on a popular Estonian Lace pattern lily of the valley. The stitch requires nupps which are an Estonian version of bobbles. In the lily of the valley pattern, they look a lot […]
knittedyarns 2008 FOs and UFOs
As 2008 draws to a close, I have been reviewing my knitting for the year and my growing list of UFOs. Due to our wedding, much of the first half of the year was focused on the big event. As a result, 2008 was not as productive as 2007 in terms of finished objects (aka […]
knittedyarns New Project from Nancy Bush Book-Triinu Scarf Started
This weekend, I spent time going through my lace knitting books and searching the web and Ravelry for a lace shawl pattern. I knew that I wanted to knit a rectangular shawl for my mother. Since my mother wanted a scarf that was at least six feet long, I didn’t want to deal with knitting […]
knittedyarns Nups in Training-Lily of the Valley Shawl
For my wedding, I decided to make a lace shawl for one of the related services. After spending time with Victorian Lace Today and Lace Style, I plan to make the Lily of the Valley pattern in Zephyr from Jaggerspun purchased from Sarah’s Yarns. Having been warned about the nups, which are five stitches in […]
knittedyarns Knitting Resolutions for the New Year
Starting 2008 with a mere two UFOs (a lace shawl/scarf in navy mohair and my Souvenir socks in bamboo and cotton), I’m turning my focus to what I call my wedding knitting. These are items that I’m making for my upcoming wedding and honeymoon. I have promised to limit myself to a few select items […]