Archive for the ‘Mason Dixon Knits’ Category


knittedyarns F is for Fiber, Fiber Festivals and Fiber Farms

When it comes to writing about fiber, I could go on and on filling miles of online space as I’m sure many of you could as well. There’s the wonderful stuff that we find at Sheep & Wool Festivals that comes from the people who raise the animals or dye  it using a wonderful palette […]

knittedyarns Mason Dixon Knitting – Brooklyn Bound

I bought the first Mason Dixon Knitting book as the reward for finishing a consulting project. I was enticed by its approach to knitting items for everyday use as well as the After Dark Nightie and Housecoat.   One of my knitting friends sent me their new book, Knitting Outside the Lines, last month when […]

knittedyarns Mason Dixon After Dark Nightie is Complete!

Despite my busy work schedule this week, I made a point of attending my favorite knitting circles to get some pointers on finishing my Mason Dixon After Dark Nightie as well as to take the piece for a test drive. Having used 100% Egyptian cotton, I was reticient to block the nightie. Consulting with a […]

knittedyarns Mason Dixon After Dark Nightie-The Saga Continues…

Due to the improved weather on Fire Island, I was able to accomplish some hard knitting on the beach. As a result, I finished both the front and back of my nightie to the armhole! Nestled in the dunes to stay out of the wind in Fire Island and knit   Mason Dixon After Dark […]

knittedyarns Mason Dixon After Dark Nightie

I was a late arrival to Mason Dixon Knits. (It’s probably my adversion to following the crowd.) I bought the book earlier this spring as a reward for finishing a frustrating work project. I was inspired by its philosophy of using knitting to create everyday items. Most alluring for me were the nightie and robe. (Also, my interest was picqued […]